
Brightly-Coloured Butterfly

“A grey and pink Butterfly.” Decoration Slot: Yard/Furniture Way to obtain: Ambience Furnisher or Shire/Lyndelby Housing Furnisher Price : 2 Silver 40 Copper Coins Item : Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

Black-Winged Butterfly

“A Black-Winged Butterfly.” Decoration Slot: Yard/Furniture Way to obtain: Ambience Furnisher or Shire/Lyndelby Housing Furnisher Price : 2 Silver 40 Copper Coins Item : Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players

Cluster of Black-Winged Butterflies

“A Cluster of Black-Winged Butterflies.” Decoration Slot: Ceiling or Yard/Furniture Way to obtain: Ambience Furnisher or Shire/Lyndelby Housing Furnisher Price : 2 Silver 40 Copper Coins Item : Unbound – Item can be traded or sold to other players