Huge Yard
Huge Yard
Here you will find all the decoration items that belong to the ”Huge Yard” category.
A ”Huge Yard” hook can also host all the smaller types of garden decoration (small and large).
A ”Huge Yard” hook can also be placed in an ”Enormous Yard” hook.
Note : The Bay of Belfalas housing area allows you to benefit from one or several ”Huge Yard” hooks in any type of house.
In the Eriador housing areas this hook is only available in the garden of a kinship house.

Dol Amroth Gazebo

“A gazebo, perfect for outdoor relaxation. Includes a fountain.” Decoration Slot: Huge Yard Way to obtain: Herbalist (Host of the West – North Ithilien) Price : 50 Phial of Crimson Extract Item : Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded …

Stone Pillars

“Nine large stone columns joined at the top and standing in a semi-circle.” Decoration Slot: Huge Yard Way to obtain: Evendim, The Wardens of Anuminas Reputation (Ally) Price : 48 Silver Coins Item : Bound to Account – Item cannot be …

Red and Gold Tent

“A red and gold canvas tent with a single flap entrance.” Decoration Slot: Huge YardWay to obtain: Men of Bree Reputation (Ally)Price : 48 Silver CoinsItem : Bound to Account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players