Enormous Yard
Enormous Yard
Here you will find all the decoration items that belong to the ‘‘Enormous Yard” category. It is the largest garden hook available.
An ”Enormous Yard” hook can also host any of the other types of garden decorations (small, large, huge).
Note : The Bay of Belfalas housing area allows you to benefit from one or several ”Enormous Yard” hooks in any type of house.
In the Eriador housing areas this hook is only available in the garden of a kinship house.

Eorl Memorial

“A memorial to Eorl the Young, the first king of Rohan.” Decoration Slot: Enormous Yard Way to obtain: Far Anorien, The Riders of Rohan Reputation (Kindred) Price : 50 Exquisite Wood-carvings + 40 Polished Marble Trinkets Item : Bound to Account – …

Stone Dais

“A stone dais.” Decoration Slot: Enormous Yard Way to obtain: Angmar Reputation (Acquaintance) Price : 60 Silver Coins Item : Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players

Large Tent

“A large, blue and white canvas tent with red and gold trim.” Decoration Slot: Enormous Yard Way to obtain: Shire Reputation (Ally) Price : 60 Silver Coins Item : Bound to account – Item cannot be traded or sold to other players